Three day weekend. Memorial Day weekend. Summer is here weekend. Invasion weekend.
I put on my Wench Guild pin and my GARF Invasion 2000 pin. First invasion at GARF, and I organized it. Realized then that working at faire does not combine well with invasion meet and greet and play activities. Bah. And no one has noticed them, so double Bah. Well, except for Mercie and Rowland who were there to day and as fabulous as ever. I do like being with them!
Bad costuming decisions. Teenage girl in brand new bustier style bodice, who hadn't been taught how to wear it, so it was tits on a platter style. And she had on a hoodie underneath.
runeenigma was playing her recorder in the shop, and a woman stopped right in front of us to loudly explain to her escort that the recorder is very simple, that she had played it in fifth grade, and if she could play it, anybody could. Loud silence from
runeenigma So I said, "We-e-ellll, anyone can pick up a drum and make a sound on it, but it takes a lot of practice for it to sound good," and Paige picked up her cue and started playing something nicely complex and fast. Long silence from know-it-all woman, who then had the grace to say, "But she's worked more in it that I did" and wandered on. Oaf.
Speaking of recorders, we had various and sundry musicians of the singing and recorder playing persuasions in the shop for much of the afternoon, which made all of us and our customers very happy. Yesterday, two-thirds of the Rumrunners were in to sing, and I got one of their CDs, which was mostly original music. I'm looking forward to settling down to listen.
Am tired, must sleep. In the morning I will:
Sew on mousie tails so that I can stuff with catnip in the shop (a demo!!)
Sew dream pillows on the machine (short straight seam)
Fix food to take along (a Minibel cheese, a sliced green pepper, and some Canadian bacon) (and maybe grapes or apple wedges). All the scents in the shop suppress my appetite, but about 10 minutes after I leave, just as I'm about to pull onto the paved road, a day's worth of hunger jumps me. I have to eat munchies through the day. or I'll buy at the convenience store.
And maybe scoop the litter box if I'm feeling ambitious.