Next up, the Emanation of Beginning and ending:
Easily breakable into Beginning:
And Ending:
These are pretty simple to start with, but I’ll remind everyone that any iconic symbols like this probably have super-simplified versions as well as very elaborated ones.
I’ll also remind folks that there are all kinds of ways, simple or elaborate, to produce these for yourself. Print them and use self laminating sheets or do some decoupage. Embroidery or bead embroidery. Polymer clay! That’s a good one.
There’s even a way to transfer laser-printed images to unbaked polymer clay (you need to varnish the baked clay afterward or it could rub off). Or if you’ve got polymer clay skillz, you could probably do this up in different colored clays. Add pinbacks or jump rings (or ear wires, or whatever) and make any sort of jewelry you like. Or make other stuff. Enjoy!
Here’s an SVG file for you to play with:
EskVar.svg This is an SVG file with layers. Gimp will open it but it won’t see the layers. As I said yesterday, I’m told the file (and the corresponding ones for the other Emanations) was made in Adobe Illustrator and will open in that application.
Here’s a PSD file with layers:
EskVarCMYK.psd This uses the CMYK color scheme. I have no idea what that means, besides the fact that Gimp won’t open it. Presumably Photoshop will. Nicole has said she’ll convert these over to RGB when she gets a chance, at which point I’ll upload those and link them.
Nicole tells me she’s tried very hard to make these layers clear and easy for folks to work with, so y’all can manipulate these and play with them to your heart’s content.
And I want to thank her again for doing such awesome work! If you make things with these, do try to credit her in some way.
Mirrored from
Ann Leckie.