Apr 18, 2010 04:55
I wrote on facebook about how I'm driving myself nuts. I thought I should stop taking yasmine for a try it's not all that good for you and can have long lasting effects. Plus If I ever decide to have a kid I need to be off it for a long time before I try. I'm still not sure about it but I hate missing out on anything in general. It looks pretty good though I guess, although I find myself overwhelemed with my relativly simple life already.
anyway, I don't know If I can live with myself anymore though without yasmine. Theres an awful lot of noise in my head and coming out of my mouth. Plus I'm crazy hormonal.Plus the sleeplessness and pains, if it's not my head it's my stomach then vis-versa. It's been about a month now or is this what it's really like without it or is there a long adjustment period. I've been taking it for so long I can't remember.
bought seeds and planted them with the step-kids yesterday and played frisbee in the park. That was really fun. So much fun we broke the frisbee lol. Extreme frisbee! In all seriousness I almost lost a foot.
Oh! good news! I found a figurine in my redrose tea box! how awesome is that you say? As awesome as anything can be before 5am I reply!