May 25, 2004 20:52
Well, well, well, Miss Mitchell.. its about time I updated this journal.. haha :)
Its already Tuesday, I couldn't let another day slip by without jotting down what these past few days have been like. Well lets just start with Friday.. where most of the fun and excitment begins.
Friday evening we go to the wrestling match (me, Jay and Alyssa) I went to go watch Val wrestle Caitlin.. good match even though Caitlin 'won'. I was however pretty furious that Val lost but whatever.. life rolls on. Afterwards we go over to Chanel's house and its a bunch of girls (Chanel,Michelle,Melissa,Gisele,Kilah,Jay,Alyssa and I) and we're all just hanging out drinking over there.. then like a few hours fly by and we(Gisele,Juliana,Alyssa and me) end up in El Centro at Jojo's house.. we all have to pee like REALLY bad so we're inside using the restroom, meanwhile Alexis is outside running her mouth. Juliana goes outside and says "So I heard I'm not welcome here. If not then tell me now and I'll leave." (take note that Juliana said this while looking straight at Alexis) No one says a thing.. so we stay for awhile.. then we leave and Juliana somehow gets ahold of Gisele's Nextel and beeps Alexis and they get into this huge argument over the beep-beep. I'm getting pissed because Alexis is acting tough, like little miss brave girl over there and I'm still rilled up from the match. So Alyssa and I are wanting to go back and see some ass whoopin' well it doesn't happen so whatever, no biggy.. End of that story.. or so I thought..
Saturday-I'm with some '05 girls (Dez,Steph,Jay,Maribel,Cassy,Brittany,Gisele,Val,Melissa) and we all go to Jeremy Zendejas' house and Michael shows up there, so Val is really upset. Gisele and I think its pretty boring there so we end up leaving at like 12, I walk out with Joser and he says some things to me, then he gets mad.. and UGH! I just knew he would respond like that so I call him when I get home and things are once again :) A-O-K.
Anyway, back to the real situation.. Earlier on Saturday Alexis updates her livejournal, which is none-the-less all about Juliana and it enrages me.. this girl is quite the hypocrite (one thing I dislike very much). She claims that Juliana isn't worth her so called time.. yet she has an entry in her journal dedicated entirely to Juliana.? You betcha, it sure is 'pathetic to talk shit over the computer' and not say it to someone's face.. but wait, isn't that all Alexis is good at.? Not confronting people to their faces.? ..I think so. Its pretty dumb.. but I don't brush things off so well, neither do I let them slide. So let's see.. all-in-all she's pretty smart, however she's VERY irritating, annoying, hypocritical; oh it doesn't matter much, the most important is the plain little fact that she just PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF! She doesn't know me all too well and by saying 'I'm good and ready for your confrontation' well bitch.. I'll just say you've got another thing coming.