you have this silly way of keeping me on the edge of my seat.

Aug 27, 2004 10:44

wud up. Yeah so, I'm a bit better than I was a couple days ago. I'm still sad about it, but what can ya do ya know. : / we havent talked in a couple days, and I doubt we will for awhile, which again is very sad. I mean, it's not like I don't like him anymore, cuz I obviously still do- but i dunno. I hate how it just disintegrated, it makes me even more sad. But, whatever. shit happens. gotta learn to deal. People are all "you're gonna find someone better, you deserve better" crap like that. well, what if I don't want better? what if I actually want it to work out?---i know it wont, but, : / i dunno. wishful thinking i suppose.
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