May 06, 2005 11:24
hey ya'll whats up. We finally made it yal'll but we still got exams left. I just wanted to ya'll i am going to miss ya'll lots all ya'll are the best. i just wish i was there telling ya'll that at school. but coach blanchard and some other folks don't want me there. but i will be at school monday only to take my final exam for ms. fowler 3rd block. this sucks i am so bored i cleaned the house for the hell of it. just to make my parents happy. my dad was a yesterday cause of everything going on and he got pisssed cause my mom n i were fighting so he started yelling and yeah. don't have to say what happended any whooo ... my mom is taking me shopping for a grad dress and shoes and they are wanting me to out to dinner with them. why in the hell do i want to got out with them. I scared right now that benji is going to get annoyed with all of this and get annoyed cause he can't see me. i hope he doesn't leave. I might be pregrant i don't know, i was hoping this weekend to get a test and see but now i have to waut another week. This is so fuck up. I ahte not seeing him. I haven't seen him in 2 weeks now i have to wait aother which will be 3 weeks. i trying to tough it out. But its killing me. If doesn't leave i have the best guy in the world and i know that he loves me and will never go away. I just hope and pray that everything that is going on is making this relationship stronger. Cause we are going thourh alot at least i know i am. Especially that i might be pregrant. I never thought i would i have kid at my age. i always thought when i was lil girl i would marry and then have kids. i do hope benji loves me like he says. i love him so much i want to be with him forever. i love everything he does and everything about him. He makes me happy when i am having a bad day i have to do is call him and makes everyhting better. He knows the right things to say at right time. I love way he holds me and the way he plays with my hair. i ts soooo cute. His the best thing in this world his my everything and i love him so much that words can't explain how much i love him. hope we stay together for a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng forever. Like the song "must be nice"! any ways i got to go ya'll and i love ya'll. LOve ANN MArie muah XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO:>*!