Apr 04, 2012 10:57
I have not posted for ages but I have been around following everyone!At last I feel I have turned a corner and I see I bright happy future!Meds are working and now recieved my divorce absolute and so am officially single for the first time in 41 years lol.Today I am flying up to London to stay with my good friends Lucia and Jet for two weeks.They have a lot of exciting things planned for me,the Japan centre and China town as well as eating sushi,ramen and drinking saki lol.The highlight will be seeing Hyde next wednesday though!!!!!! I am so excited I hardly slept last night!!!Thank you to everyone here who have helped me through my dark days over the last 3 years you don't know how much help you gave me but I am grateful to you all!!! I also found GACKT a great inspiration during my bad times and I feel he is pushing my back!!Now I will move on with GACKT my friends and family always by my side,for those out there who are still suffering in their different ways there is a light at the end of the tunnel,I found mine and hope you find yours!!Love to you all must go and finish getting ready lol!!