Sep 16, 2006 19:42
Senior year is turning out to be a pretty crazy year. I've got a really heavy course load. I thought with only 13 hours I would be alright, but the combination of classes just happens to be pretty heavy. Two of my classes have homework assignments (Composites and Numerical Methods). Plus I am struggling a lot with Ceramics. It's the first time Speyer has taught the entire class. His testing format, blue book write everything down from scratch, does not sit well with me. I did well in thermo, where I was able to write derivations. The blue book format is a useful way to test derivations, but not definitions and concepts. Heat transfer has a lot more concepts and fewer derivations, so I got a B. Now ceramics has ZERO derivations. I bombed the ever loving shit out of the last test. I need to get my act in gear, and study a bit more than usual for these tests now. The next week and a half is going to be rough, but then I should be a bit of a break. I have:
Composites Test Monday
Numerical Methods Test Tuesday
Polymers Test Wednesday
Ceramics Test Monday
Composites Research/Outline Due Monday
Numerical Methods Homework Due Tuesday
Anyway, it's a lot of work, but hopefully I'll be able to take a little time to enjoy myself.
Physically I'm doing very well. I'm down to 215 pounds. I have lost 55 pounds! Plus, I'm obviously much healthier than I was. I am continuing to workout, and I am starting to work on lifting weights again soon. I have to go buy a new suit because I've lost so much weight! It's a good and bad scenario heh.
Spiritually I'm honestly just too busy to do a whole lot. I'm trying to be more active over at Emory, but I have just been swamped with all my commitments to school and the job search. I am just flying by the seat of my pants. I pray that God continues to guide me and work through my life, even if I don't make time for him as I should in my life. It's good to be back with my prayer group, but I don't even know if I'm going to be able to do much.
The job search is very taxing and time consuming. I am pretty worried about it. I spent the week before the career fair working on my resume (when I should have been studying ceramics). Then this past week I had the career fair. I felt like I was able to sell myself well at the career fair, but I haven't had any bites. It's still early, but nobody has contacted me since the fair. The top companies I was interested in are probably:
Eaton Corporation - They have a well developed leadership development program that moves me around the company and helps me move up in the ranks at a pretty rapid pace. Plus, I would get to move around the company and see more than one aspect of it.
General Electric - They have an Edison Engineering Development Program. It works me into their research department and requires me to get a masters while working for them. It's a lot of work, but it would pay off after the first couple of years.
Vulcan Materials Company - They have a development program that moves you around the company for the first few years in order to best fit you where you will help the company the most and be the most successful.
Boeing - Working in composite aerospace structures is probably my top priority, but they didn't do much to impress me at the career fair, plus, I may not be able to go directly into that field with a bachelors.
United Technologies - Pratt and Whitney and Carrier both have engineering/leadership development programs.
Nav Sea / Nav Air - Both sounded very promising. I would be able to work in composites research with a bachelors. The only drawback may be the salary, but we'll see what happens.
Anyway, those are just a few of the companies I applied to and the reasons why they stood out to me. I have no interviews setup, so right now I'm in limbo.
Ah, so now you ask, well that's senior year, and the job search, what's the story of my life? Well, the story of my life is being interested in a girl who is completely oblivious of my feelings for her, or she only wants me to be a friend. I'm seriously starting to wonder if it's something I'm doing or if I have really just have horrid luck up until this point in my life. Anyway, I guess I'm just supposed to be single right now. I just hope it doesn't affect me mentally. I think part of the reason I am so conservative when it comes to relationships is that I am afraid to be hurt. Maybe something subconsciously in me just doesn't want to attempt a relationship. Who knows. Definitely not me. But anyway, it's the story of my life. I just hope I can get around it at some point.