Dec 20, 2010 23:35
This is another short and quick Monday night post.
I'm stuck with this Vic Ceder sequence from the Feb. 2010 Petaluma weekend. If you have the recording, it's in the middle of Tip #27.
Sides pass the sea
PIECEWISE YOYO single scoot and trade
inside triangle 2/3 exchange the triangle
triple cast
3/4 exchange the diamond
6 x 2 acey duecy
inroll to a wave and roll
YOYO cast a net
end girls ripple 3 & 1/2
At this point I have a Bat/Rigger with heads as a couple and have their left shoulders towards the center, and sides in the center box holding right hands. I don't know how to do a Crackle from here. The rest of the sequence is:
crackle and circle 1/4
all 8 diamond recycle
offset waves scatter scoot
center 4 mix, others anchor the boys for a trade, and roll
c4 brainteaser