i'm a follower

Feb 11, 2005 01:25

alright since the other chicks did it i'll do it too. and yes it's 1:30 in the morning don't ask why i'm doing it.


Smoke?: hellz no
Read the newspaper?: only to read colin's articles on wednesdays haha
Pray?: obly if i want something i suppose... i know i'm selfish
Gone skinny dipping?: yes sir
Had a medical emergency?: no
Had surgery?: yes
Ran away from home?: No
Played strip poker?: yes
Gotten beaten up?: No
Beaten someone up?: No
Been on stage?: Yea
Slept outdoors?: yea... but not a fan
Pulled an all nighter?: hmm wow i don't think so
If yes, what is your record?:
Ever made out with a stranger?: nope
Been on radio/tv?: Yes
Been in a mosh-pit?: no those things are scary
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: ha! yes like 18 thousand
First kiss?: junior prom with eric
Pepsi or coke?: coke but i'm off soda so neither
Chocolate or vanilla?: chocolate fo sho
Internet or phone?: i really love the internet... but umm i like hearing people's voices... it's more personal
Suicidal?: no
Stubborn?: yes
Open-minded?: yes
Arrogant?: maybe
Patient?: yea
Hyper?: sometimes... late at night
Nice?: yea
Happy?: Yea
Shave your head for $1000?: i dont think so... i like my hair at the moment
Like candles?: i'm not gonna lie i've never been a candle fan. i only like them when me and the chicks are making wax fingerprints at hil's house. hahaha.
Believe in love at first sight?: i dunno
Believe in forgiveness?: Yes
Want to get married?: Yes
Want to have kids?: mos def
Ever want to adopt kids?: i won't rule it out


[jewelry worn daily]: watch, my mom's college ring, my claude (YAM) ring, 5098274 hair things, and my livestrong bracelet
[wallet]: blue suede thing on my keys
[coffee]: mmm everyday of my life
[shoes]: i'm a fan of the birks... slip on, slip off
[cologne/perfume]: pink by gap, or some demeter stuff


[cried]: no
[bought something]: probably
[gotten sick]: No
[sang]: Yes
[been kissed]: no :-(
[felt stupid]: of course
[wanted to tell someone you love them, but you didn't]: no
[seen someone you have a crush on]: no
[had a serious talk]: Yes
[missed someone]: are you kidding, i'm like 5 hours away from all of my loved ones!
[hugged someone]: haha yes... nina hugs me constantly
[argued with a parent(s)]: no actually... me and rents get along surprisingly well while i'm at school.


[best girl friend]: oh gosh, Di, Hil, Yam, Elly... i guess i have a lot
[best guy friend]: eric
[boyfriend/girlfriend]: yesh
[hobbies]: reading, sleeping, watching tv, facebooking, sleeping, eating, god i'm lazy
[car you drive]: mmm the volvi
[would you rather be with friends or on a date]: toughie
[job]: camp caravan in the summer... grrr
[church]: haven't gone in awhile... went for ashes at st charleys
[like being around people]: of course... but i do enjoy the room to myself every so often. i love you meg don't worry!!


. Slept in your bed: me... before that i think chaz
. Saw you cry: wow... maybe meggy
. Made you cry: eric
. You shared a drink with: klink
. You went to the movies with: wow, here it goes: elaine, smalls, beth, jess, meggy, julia, and lisa
. You went to the mall with: Rossy!! our target run was great.
. Yelled at you: i don't think i've been yelled at recently...


. Said "I Love You" and meant it?: of course
. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: not that i know of
. Wish you were the opposite sex: yea when i think about giving birth
. Had an imaginary friend: nope
. What book are you reading now: the other side of the story, by marian keys
. Worst feeling in the world: being lonely
. What's under your bed: considering it's half lofted a lot of shit: my drawer things that holds like my life, my dresser which holds other crap, my suitecase, i think some of my stuffed animals, a lot of dust, my other suitcase... the list goes on.
. Favorite sport to watch: track... he got me hooked.
. Siblings: 2 sisters, 1 brother
. College plans: IU
. Piercings/tattoos: ears twice and nose
. Do you do drugs: yeah i do crack... haha no.
. Do you drink: occassionaly
. What clothes do you sleep in: a tank top and my underwear cuz it's so f-ing hot in our room.
. Where do you want to get married: depends on the guy and that time in my life i suppose
. Who do you really hate: claudia fucking girl in my choir


. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: Yes
. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: Yes
. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: hmm yes, but i never get them

. Song thats stick in your head a lot: choir songs... yea

. Band(s): everything but country and heavy metal
. Color: orange... have you seen my dorm room? oh wait no one has! come visit bitches!
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