(no subject)

Aug 10, 2009 07:18

It was about mid-day we were loading up some stuff in a moving van at my dad's house in Florida.  The kids were running around playing.  The rear door of the Tahoe was open.  My dad's house is on a culdasack in a neighborhood at the bottom of a very long steep hill.  Not many of those in Florida.  I happen to glance up to the west, toward the hill and there on the horizan I saw swirling angry clouds.  A funnel drops out of the bank of clouds and is coming in our direction.  "Hey, look tornado." I yelled to my wife.  She began to run to the house, I began to count heads and look for the kids.  Then there was a huge explosion and a wall of fire began rolling down the hill.  I had only seen that kind of fire when fighting forest fires in Florida.  Everything was engulfed in flame.  The tornado wipped the flames forward as this towering wall of fire began to roll down the hill toward us.  It was quickly moving to cut off our access to the road, and the way out.  I yelled to everyone to get in the moving van.  The kids tossed their toys into the Tahoe, as everyone raced for the moving van, except my wife, who tried to move the kids into the house for safety.  I pointed out the fact that we had only minutes before the firestorm cut off our escape, and that nothing was surviving the fire.  Behind the fire you could see in the distance the charred remains of the hillside.  Houses destroy, the forest leveled.  Finally everyone began to load up into the moving van.  I found my self compelled to lock up the house and the Tahoe against looters, just in case they were spared.  As I tried to close the Tahoe door, toys got in my way and jammed the door from closing.  I cursed under my breath.  I yelled for the kids to come get their junk.  Next thing I know everyone was loading into the Tahoe.  Time was short so why fight it.  I closed the back door, did a quick head count, and jumped into the driver seat.  As we were about to leave the neighborhood, the storm lifted and disappeared as quickly as it had come.  It left a the smoldering remains along the hillside.  I decided to turn toward the disaster, partly out of morribid interest and desire to head away from the tornado in case it dropped out of the storm again.  As we began to drive up the hill, the wind began to pickup.  Cresting over the hill came a semi out of control.  We drove off the road to dodge the semi and another truck behind him.  I wrestled with the Tahoe to keep it from rolling over, and came to a sudden stop in the ditch stuck.  We all got out and everyone was okay, and began walking up the rest of the way.  A group of toe headed (blonde haired) kids were wondering around looking for their parents.  I began walking past them dazed by the rush of adrenaline and having just dodged an 18-wheeler and survived.  My daughter Shauna asks me; "Daddy, are we going to help these kids?"  My mind suddenly awoke and I said; "Sure honey they can come with us."  As we began gathering up the kids, we heard their parents calling for them from the rubble of a house.  So we turned to lend a hand.  Then without warning it all ended with the sound of my alarm clock buzzing in the background.  Wow, what an intense dream.
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