I finally got my new hard drive! YAY! :) Now I just have to get my darling to install it, the last time I tried to do something foolproof with the insides of my computer I managed to fry both my power source and my floppy drive :P 'You can't put that cord in wrong', my arse. Might take a few days before I get it into use.
Completely unrelated, I might be a total geek, but I really enjoyed
this game. I only wish there were more than ten problems to solve. Some of them were even ridiculously easy, like number 5. I had it solved before I even had time to start thinking about it, and that's just annoying.
Again unrelated, I knew that once I started reading anything my fic would die a painful death. When I was so full of Swedish I had to switch back to fics I got myself hooked into Supernatural fics once again (still without seeing a single episode of it), and they wired my brains totally wrong way for writing HP. Besides which when I read all those marvellous works done by people who have some honest talent and copious amounts of practice behind them as well, I get so depressed with my own writing skills that somehow I can't make myself even start. And I know that if I wrote the fic with the kind of detail I love in those fics it would become several hundreds of thousands words long, which is kind of absurd for the first long fic with flimsy little plot. Oh well. I'll return to it in few weeks, look at it from new angles, re-write it again almost from the scratch and waste a few weeks happily in oblivion accomplishing nothing useful whatsoever :)
My money situation is starting to look a bit brighter :) Two mondays from now on I'll have another practical training period and I'll get paid! Well, only 7€ for an hour, but it's still way more than I would get otherwise. And After seven weeks of that I can stay for the summer holidays as well :) I would get more if I went to my regular summer job at my university library, but this one will give me actual working experience (well, useful working experience) and much better chances at getting job after I (hopefully) finish my school in November. Besides which I really like the place and the people :) I'm a bit worried about the heat though, the place has a roof made of glass and I can't stand heat and get sunburns way too easily, but I can worry about that later :)