Jul 04, 2007 19:38
I should really start checking LJ again on a regular basis. So much is going on in everyone's lives! I'm not sure exactly how I fell out of the habit, but it happened after I got back to school from winter break, when I also cut back on Instant Messenger. I probably just closed the LiveJournal tab one day by accident, forgot to reopen it and didn't realize for a week, but by then the habit was broken. It's possible that people weren't posting much at that point either, maybe having something to do with it being the dead of winter.
I'm home in Illinois for the summer, doing a bit of used-bookstore work and babysitting, trying to improve my gluten-free corn-flour based pancake recipe (the elusive quality of Fluffiness is now within my grasp!), neglecting guitar practice, writing to people, including some I've fallen out of touch with, contemplating a Fulbright application (I really need to move from "contemplating" to "formulating and writing up"), traveling a little, watching the French news and gobbling up books as quickly as possible before I go back to school and don't have any time! So far I've read:
Adams, Scott. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Eliot, George. Middlemarch.
Steinbeck, John. Cannery Row.
Lewis, Sinclair. Main Street.
Pollan, Michael. The Botany of Desire.
Pirsig, Robert M. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
I've liked them all, though the ending to Main Street irked me...