Jan 25, 2008 09:55
Leaving this afternoon for the 5-hour drive to Muskingum in OH, gonna rock some auditions in a day of waiting. It'll be a lonely press of the pedal. Four other people originally said they were interested, and without real effort everyone just kinda figured they wouldn't do it. So what was budgeted to be a trip split five ways is now a goddamn whole pie, steaming like shit. Got some listenin' material too, Vonnegut's Welcome to the Monkey House on a 6-hour set of CDs. Also lugging along a fair share of books and work...
...that senior project due on Valentine's...
...and my pocketbook, dwindling for the dream. I get by, mofo. That's just how I row-ow-oll...
Heidi's car died last night and we tried to jump it. It was too cold to jump and too icy to push, and apparently campus security decided we had to fuck ourselves because they had us call the ol' 911 while their SUV idled in a parking lot a block away. Typical.
Been brushin' up my Simpsons lately. It's a revolution in the works.