Thursday Thirteen: Thirteen places I’d like to Visit

Jan 04, 2007 20:28

Originally published at Logical Eccentricity News. Please leave any comments there.

Thirteen Places I’d like to visit
  1. California - I was there for a day, and didn’t get a chance to see anything. It would be great if I could go visit west coast since I’ve lived all my life on the East coast.
  2. Alaska - seems like a cool (haha) place to go and check out
  3. Europe - I’ve always wanted to backpack around somewhere, and Europe seems like the perfect place. Get a Eurorail pass and go around the whole continent.
  4. Paris - I know I already said Europe, but I definatly want to visit Paris, get a chance to take in all the sights, and see the wonderful city
  5. Antarctica - I recently watched Happy Feet
    and it would be awesome to see penguins up close
  6. India - I was born there, but I’ve never seen all the “good” places there. I only saw the Taj Mahal the last time I was there, and I know I’m missing out on a lot of things, so I would love to go and see the rest of the country
  7. England - I want to see Stonehenge
  8. Scotland - Just because of Highlander and Braveheart
  9. Hawaii - ah.. no particular reason
  10. Ireland - again no particular reason
  11. China - the biggest country… should check it out sometime…
  12. Russia - only because they defaulted on their local currency debt…
  13. Japan - Tokyo seems like an amazing city

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