London expo was last weekend, and much win, it was.
Imma gonna post some photos now, lol.
07:15AM uughhhh. My friend standing in the middle of the road.... because she could.
Here's the thing that's always at expo. Only, this time it was drooling over everyone. No kidding. Ah ha, there's my friend Charlie in the background... with the red hat. Oh, and my other friend with the glasses, to the left...
Suzaku and Euphemia cosplayers we found. Euphie looks so pretty! TTATT
AND, HELL YES, THERE WERE 07-GHOST COSPLAYERS. I was so happy to see these guys~ They even had a Mikageeee <3
This is a British con. There will be Doctor Who cosplayers.
A wonderful collection of Englands and Americas. Damn you, Left!Iggy, you blinked... TTATT
I'm tired, I'll post the other photos later XDDD