Marlao, marlao!

Feb 16, 2006 15:50

To fully understand this entry, you will have to be familiar with Richard Adams' Watership Down, and even then you would need to be pretty fluent in Naylte. If you really wish to comprehend my meth, I suggest you find the book and read it yourself, because it is very vao and life changing! If you want to cheat and use a Lapine dictionary, you can Google one quite easily, but I'd much prefer you found a copy of the book and this is mostly for my own amusement... but henceforth, I am rabbiting on.

Hoi, hoi and Frithaes.

A was up bral-ing 'til nInlé about Kothen ao rest ol u hlien until a decided to zyz. When a woke a looked out ol u hlien a into u tar hraeth to hay two elil burning white sticks coming from u hrududu. Naturally, a was éneer, as e appeared ai were skuf-ing up u hristh. A hoped thum e was natal. A yen hay all elil as u nalna.

A came from u hrayao silf ol my swith a hoped u elil had zorn no flarlis. A didn't fancy silflay, an still had something to flayrah... a am a tar marli. Ma rusati a parli koi been playing games whilst a koi been busying myself. Ma tarli is a hlessi a a* veth live both asith or nahl asith.

I drew Hazel-rah (Kothen).

A am concerned about U Hrair, a don't want to be bias, though all nayaltes have hraray kasrahalt though a lan pfeffas to give good hrarail. Oh, nahlarny pfeffas, nalna to nayaltes. A lan Tibbs to give a good fran, one to make Thlayli proud.

Hyao is nahl hraleer, though e lay said by nayaltes ai one hral is etheth. A lan um to be an embleer methrar, but a am no Brekennion. A bral in El-ahrairah! If a ever was to become rah ol a flow a would khyl to methrars of El-ahrairah, though as a meth, a am no Brekennion. O an what veth i mul?

A yen zayn, to flay hraka.

* 'a' can mean both 'I' and 'and'... a a for 'and I' seems incorrect as there is 'ao' for 'and the', though I have found no way of correcting.

rabbits, drawings, watership down

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