Fucking Great!

Jul 12, 2008 03:40

I swear my job is trying to actively kill me.

Why? Well not only do I have to work tomorrow... yes it's a Saturday, one of the precious few I have left before Pennsic, but all next week is scheduled 9s too!

Yeah, "well, we won't implement the new computer system if it negatively impacts out customers" BULLSHIT YOU WON'T!!! Since that damned system went in we have not gotten a SINGLE package out on time! We had two, count them, TWO 53 foot trailers FULL and USPS wouldn't come pick them up cause the system wasn't printing out the BOLs correctly!!! THEY WERE SITTING THERE FOR THREE DAYS!!!! We usually have four trucks in the afternoon and three or four (or more) trucks in the evening go out of the distribution center, each having over 3,000 packages in them. WE SHIPPED OUT 8,000+ TOTAL TODAY!!!! FOR THE WHOLE DAY!!!!

We JUST unloaded a truck that ARRIVED ON MONDAY!!

Speaking of receiving trucks in to the warehouse... that would be my position, Receiving tech. I'm supposed to know how to bring a truck in and all the shit that goes with it. The key word there is SHOULD, cause apparently, I'm not S-M-R-T enough to handle that shit anymore. The chippies on first shit (both old bats can die a flaming firey death as far as I'm concerned, no, REALLY! They can cause I'm sick of their shit. For reals yo! I got T on one side making snarky comments about "well, someone was releasing stuff that needed QC cause it's a first time in color." I replied to her "Oh, that was me, because that's what B, you know, YOUR superviser, TOLD ME TO DO BECAUSE OF THE SEVERE BACKLOG OF QC WE HAVE AND CAN"T UNLOAD ANY TRUCKS CAUSE WE HAVE NO ROOM." Apparently, following what their supervisor (who I respect a whole shitload more than these two cunts. Yes they have pissed me off so much I used a word I actively LOATH) means I'm nothing more than their bitch who is only good for doing their grunt work. (What that means is they expect me to do nothing but print out the tech packs for the QC techs. Yeah, that's it. Just go into a program that is slower than two sloths having sex while on valium, which I know they both hate doing. But not actually, oh I don't know, LETTING ME DO MY JOB!!)

I shit you not, F was bitching cause she had all these trucks to do before she left. When I said well, why don't you give me one and I'll do it for you, she blinked at me for a second and handed me a truck that was already done and said "You can print out the tech packs for this truck and the one T is working on." I just said "Sure. I can do that." Took the tech pack and went to my desk. I then walked around the ENTIRE warehouse to calm down. I then walked back into Building 3 and talked to D MY soon to be supervisor and made sure BOTH the bitches (who are wasting my space and air) heard me when I asked him if first shift thought that every little freakin thing was a damned state secret! I mean it's like they are afraid I want their freakin' job or something! I HAVE their job! It's just on another shift! I don't WANT to be on first shift! If I did, I would have been on it when HR ASKED ME WHEN I WAS HIRED! I DO NOT GET UP AT 4 OR 5 AM IF I CAN HELP IT!!! I looked D right in the face and stated that if I wasn't so damned tired I would have walked. I was THAT close. I'm tried of being First shift's bitch! LET ME DO MY JOB FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!

I swear when that lead position comes up I'm so applying for it! Apparently we don't need a second shift receiving tech. Shit we got a truck in last night and R looked at me and asked what should we do with it and I just looked at her, shrugged and said "I have no idea, since first shift thinks I'm to stupid to do my job, I really have no idea what to do with it. Tell LP to stick it somewhere and sign for the BOL. They don't want me to know anything, they can handle everything then. Sure gonna suck when peak comes though." and went back to printing out tech packs...

But yet, whenever anything needs to be done, the high mucky mucks, (it does disturb me that they have known my name for almost as long as I've worked there) ALWAYS ask me to take care of it. No matter what it is. If it needs to get done and done correctly, they ask ME, not these two decrepit old bints. I don't think they could handle what they ask me to do without bitching, whining and then doing it THEIR way and fucking it all up anyway.

Yeah sure this isn't negatively impacting out customers. I hate to tell you fuckers this, but you think these rich fucks with too much money and not enough taste are going to keep shopping with us after you fuck them over on their shipping?? Since there was no mention AT ALL that we were upgrading our system and there might be some delays or some other placating bullshit to them? YOu think they won't go to Abercrobie&Feltch? Or some other over priced tasteless store? Think again asshats!! They aren't that fucking loyal to your brand name!! And I want to get my hands on the doucherocket who decided to not only to go live the weekend BEFORE a holiday (which is always a busy time) AND THEN POST A GOD DAMNED SALE ON THE WEBSITE!!! WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING YOU ASS MUNCHING, RABID MONKEY FUCKING, RHINO FLETCHING, FAMILY TREE DON'T FORK, MOUTH BREATHING, THIS IS WHY SIBLINGS SHOULDN'T BREED, MENTAL MIDGIT?????

*takes a deep breath* OK I've gotten that out.

In other news, my aunt and uncle will be in Atlanta for the next 7 weeks, the doctors say that he will be cancer free when he returns. He won't be radioactive anymore so I can't make fun of him. (He was diagnosed with prostate cancer a little over a month ago... thankfully they caught it VERY early)

In other other news, I have not done a damned thing to get ready for Pennsic, I haven't had the time. THis is going on four weeks of scheduled nine hour shifts with almost EVERY Saturday as well. Great for the paycheck, not so great for my class and my getting ready for Pennsic. I swear I'm SOOOOOOOO going to need this vacation!

I have done almost no shopping or sewing for this war. I have gotten a new tent and an air mattress, I've started to dig out my garb and sort through it. Still haven't gotten to wash it yet. I need to acquire some plastic totes to pack my stuffs in, I do have the bedding sorted out which is good. Need to find a cheap ass rug for the tent though, need a tarp or two just in case. I'm getting tired just THINKING about all the stuff I need to do! *sigh*

well, it will get done or not, if not, oh well. I will have to take a trip to one of the local stores. BLERGH...

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