Nephew: UPDATE 4

Jun 03, 2012 23:45


UPDATE 4: First, thanks to everyone for the moral support over the past 72 hours. It meant a lot to me. The whole family (Nephew most of all, of course) has complete adrenal exhaustion at this point. Our relief is unspeakable, as is our fear for the future and our sadness for the two people lost. And, for me, for all the people lost on every side of this multi-faceted mess. A week's worth of punitive bombing missions ought have been sufficient -- were there not big profits to be made, and Cheney's fantasies of the overland oil pipeline -- instead of this ten-years-plus of pointless agony.

Second, it seems best not to put his narrative anywhere on the internet just yet. If the perps go true to pattern, there will be another attack this week. He's working more than double-shifts to try to quell that, but obviously, that's all he can say.

Third, I have to give props to an invention which saved innumerable lives during the June 1 attack: the Hesco Bastion. Here's a photo, and you can click through it to see the many different configurations. Scroll down a page to see how they arrive in trucks. I know I mentioned them before, but they are just too cool. Wish New Orleans had these during Katrina. And that is all.

personal, nephew, war, family
