So I'm reading
this article about kissing and the scandals thereof,
and it includes this paragraph
Monkeys do not kiss. Apes do, but usually only on the arm or the chest, to show respect. “Except among the bonobos, there is nothing like sexual kissing among the apes,” said Frans B. M. de Waal, a professor of primate behavior at Emory University. “Apes do not practice foreplay.”
which makes me feel much better about the
depressing suggestion that women evolved vaginal transudation as a defense against rape. EVOLVED, meaning, zillions of years of rape were sufficient to weed out the women who didn't transudate.
But wait! Maybe the response evolved before we were recognizably human. Maybe it was always in place, and doesn't need to be freighted with the baggage of human culture (though apparently, pre-human primate males have much to answer for.)
Ah well... here's a video valentine to the code monkey in my life-I guess that's a silverback code gorilla now, but I loved him back when and would again.
Click to view