Personal Miscellany

Nov 19, 2008 12:20

I'm very busy and taking a break I shouldn't, but just quickly (because dear labyris reminds me I've been offline so long:

1. I'm still mildly sick but feel human again after about fifteen days of coughing and sinus stuff.

2. I have a temporary and very low-paying job, yippee, which I ought be doing right now.

3. No, I haven't forgotten that I should post about the Poe House.

4. Totally off-topic: Gingko Biloba Doesn't Work, so save your money.

5. Totally off-topic: yes, Eric Holder will be a good Attorney General. No, Hillary won't take Secretary of State because the Hatch Act would prevent her, as a federal employee, from raising the $7.9 million she needs to pay off her campaign debt. Yes, Rahm Emanuel was a good choice for Chief of Staff. Yes, I'm glad Ted Stevens lost the election, but I still want the Republicans to expel him from the lame duck session between now and January 20. No, I don't see how we can stop Dubya from pardoning everyone for everything. No, I don't understand how the "impeach Bush after January 20 inauguration" would work.

6. Totally off-topic: Damn Mitt Romney to hell for his sunny, smiling assertion today that we should let all the automakers fail specifically so that they can get out of paying the pensions of their retired workers. Let's remember this in 2012, shall we?

7. It snowed here yesterday for the first time of the season for about four minutes at 11:46 am.

8. Ace is slowing down. Don't wanna talk about it.

9. I have petunias and a purple African daisy that are still blooming, despite multiple freezes. This seems valiant, somehow.

10. Serious illness in the family is going to make next week's Thanksgiving very special. More on that in some other post.

11. Nephew, still in Iraq, is troubled about perhaps being evac'd back to the States again because of pre-Obama drawdowns, when he really needs to stay there for financial reasons. Yeah, well, I know about the money but I want him, and everyone else, home. Now. NowNowNowNowNow.

12. I'm taking a digital photography class, and I suck.

obama admin, personal, 2008 election, politics, family, 2012 election, travel, ace, dog
