Week is sucking hardcore..
Starts out with me having a cold -
falling down stairs hurting ass and shoulder -
finding out friends and co-workers will be told this week if they or me still have a job -
Dog's eye is back to being bad -
upset a good friend because I'm an idiot -
got one of my account names drug in the dirt because I wasn't on line during the weekend -
Had a user go off on me and I got to sit and take to stay P.C. Although I really wanted to say something -
backs hurting think I'm getting another kidney stone -
Sister's life has just gotten worse and she may need surgery as well-
Sister-in-law from hell is trying to come back -
Almost got plowed on the way home, because people in California have no clue how to drive in the rain -
Found out uncle is back in the hospital -
a friend is seriously ill -
and to be honest there is more but right now I'm tired of my own bitching.
If you do not see me online or hear from me for a while sorry I'm not in the mood any more...I'm just done...and it's only fucking Wednesday...
I've snapped people...and I can't deal with that...I can't..
good night