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Mar 04, 2013 00:08

Life update, to the rarely-visited-wow-I-still-have-this?-livejournal!

So: came back to the first TKD session of the year to find out a) we’re competing in the University Nationals, and b) I need to drop down to a certain weight class (rather than stay at the bottom of the one I’m currently in). Fine, says I, no problem.

Caveat: diets are not fun. The first two weeks didn’t do much, but by the third week my body started to realise what was going on and made me rather cranky in retaliation. This is both cutting food intake and exercising, and was taxing on the reserves of self-restraint :l  this is the only time I’m ever going to watch my weight as opposed to my health/waist size, and next year round I’ll make sure which weight class I’ll be in beforehand, as maintaining is easier than dropping.

It also bugs me that some of the exercises I wanted to do I can’t, as they build muscle which DEFEATS THE POINT AUGH. However, I made my weight category - by rather a lot actually, as instead of dropping the 1kg I had to, I ended up 3.6kg UNDER, and one of my teammates pointed out that I was looking underfed by this point. I also only had three matches, one of which was seriously close (11-12) and the girl was exceptionally aggressive, one who never showed, and one who was so badly injured that the match lasted ten seconds before she had to bow out (and damn, did I want that match - she was the only one who matched me height, power and skill-wise, that would have been an amazing spar and I wouldn't even have cared if I'd lost). So I got gold! Sucks about that last match though...

(Felt like a note was needed: this competition is probably the only reason I would ever diet EVER, as it is seriously not fun and rather boring - also, any weight lost will probably come right back in March as I’ve got three epic meals out on the calendar and Port wants to try various baking things. Also, losing that much weight that quickly had fucked my body over something royally, which hopefully will go back in check over the next month.)

In uni news, rather enjoyable modules this semester, including a business one which has turned out more interesting than I thought! (Taught on the Wheatley campus, which makes me giggle each time, damn you Portal). Currently abusing my short-term memory for kanji and vocab tests, which…isn’t really the way to go, works short-term but I’m going to have to buckle down in the summer and get a better system going :/

House hunting is a pain in the arse, luckily the people we’re sharing with are old hands at this and know exactly what they’re doing. I feel bad for Port though - her 3rd year, I’ll be gone and the other two will have finished, so she’s left with zilch housemates. She reckons it’ll be fine though, and she’s generally unruffled by what life throws at her, so every confidence and all that.

Also! Going to Port’s home town in the summer! This will be fun and mildly terrifying, as I don’t speak Portugese and her parent’s don’t speak much English. So long as I don’t get split up and lost during my time there it’ll be fine :p
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