I has an AO3 account! And have posted! Go me! I've been thinking about it for a while, I love the idea of a central fanfic archive that feels safe(ish) from TOSsing, that has a bizillion fandoms, that is easy to navigate and offers a way of filtering fic so I can find what I'm in the mood for. I love their tags and I'm making an effort to use them - the blowjob tag seemed to, er, come up a fair bit when tagging my fic, which makes me look a tad fixated. Oddly, my true fixation, chocolate, appears surprisingly little. Clearly I need more fic involving copious amounts of Thorntons and possible misuse thereof.
I am here:
http://archiveofourown.org/users/Ankh. I got some hits as I posted which was so lovely given how long ago they were written. It's nice to think someone out there in fandom land had never read them and now they have.