(no subject)

Jan 24, 2007 22:05

It snowed a lot last night! But it didn't settle so it's pretty much just sludge now, which is just not. On. Grrr.

Ack, i'm really tired at the moment because i've just spent ages planning an essay. The plan turned out to be about half the word limit so I hope it's ok. I'm just so glad to have finished (or almost finished) it because this means i'm up to date with all of my work, which is actually very good for me because i'm usually the queen of procrastination and tend to lose track of what i'm actually supposed to be doing. I blame livejournal for this, of course.

I'm still completely in love with those new Jared and Jensen pics. Especially that one where they're both sitting exactly the same wasy, and don't seen to realise they're doing it. ♥  Hah, "they're doing it". Honestly, I think I might actually be twelve.

And the most important thing: today is, of course, Dean Winchester's birthday!

college, jared, jensen, supernatural

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