Jan 17, 2006 22:19
i feel bad because i've been meaning to call a LOT of people and just havent, although i have been busy, but no excuses right. in any case if anyone wants to call me at some point i do have a new cell number, 302-382-4007. having a local number is good.
in other news, my new adopted daughter Lt. Noodles (yes, she is a rascally ferret)is VERY obsessed with trying to steal my penguins. she's so crazy, she grabs their fuzzy scarves and trys to hide them either under the bed or under the couch...the couch having an opening too small to comply, so she gets mad, hisses at them, and shakes them furociously. at the moment she is trying to type something, i told her 'no' so she's mad at me now lol. now she's on my shoulder...time to go play with her it seems
catch you guys later