More internet diffusion

Jun 29, 2008 18:34

Not satified with over 1000 visits to my myspace page in 10 days (and 750 'listens'), and over 1600 folder visits on esnips (in nearly a year), I've posted a shit load of our stuff (Combinandi and my own confections) at Even more people can stumble on selections our aural annoyances and recoil in horror, smirk knowingly, sit up in amazement, sit back in pleasure, or puke violently on the floor. We don't really care as long as there's some kind of reaction.

What have I been doing ? Playing my various instruments - I'm particularly enamoured of the Steinway grand sampled piano in LogicPro8 (using ESX24) at the moment. Last week it was all those breathtaking electric pianos in EVP88. I've been playing my old Elka X50 Hammond-clone too - which despite not having a (simulated) 'scanner' vibrato is a damn fine and punchy tonewheel imitator. Besides these, I've been working hard on my strat, and have realised why I'm so deeply in love with my little red Telecaster. I've been listening to Elvis Costello - especially the albums 'Get Happy!!!" and "Trust" (some unfinished business there, that goes all the way back to the very end of the 70s). Otherwise, listening to the Sinceros whome I saw several times when I was working at The Hope & Anchor in Islington (same époque). Also, I been trying to find rehearsal space for the organ trio when they get here on july 23. Favourite at the moment is a 2 day stay at Chris Mix's, whith him recording us 4 a 1/2-day on the 25th. Our first gig is the 26th.

Apart from that, last night I downloaded Coppola's "Youth without Youth" (2007) from Greylodge, watched it and thoroughly enjoyed it. The Great Man decided to dramatise a novella by the hungarian intellectual Mircea Eliade, whom I read often as an undergraduate. It's a curious fable about time, and Tim Roth plays very stronly in it, as do others. Director Kurtz aquits himself most equitably also.

Today I'm dashing myself like ocean waves on my various keyboards. I've been trying for weeks to write (finally) about Damian, but so far I don't like what's coming-out, so I consider it it unfinished and strictly 'work in progress'. I'll get there : I'm patient and tenacious.

The weather's been mostly wasted with low cloud, but this evening it's grand bleu and all set for a sunny (working) week.

Last night's crab and muscated was nice, but something had mut up during the night with a dose of the squits.

Today I've poked a smipe and sipped at the remains of the muscadet.

Tonight is big bathnight.

There y'go - an update.

More during the week.


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