I've updated my flickr to a pro account. Now I can save as many as I like.
Did I say it was insanely sunny at the moment ? This is the view (about an hour ago) from my studio window. I recently bought (on ebay of course) a Cosina 28-210mm f3.5 zoom lens. At first it generated the dreaded error99, but I'm finding that it's reasonably happy to cooperate if I set the camera to aperture priority.
This taken from my front door.
Another from the door across the valley, this time on maximum zoom. Little bit of frost on the fields.
A nice predawn from the end of january.
Last weekend I went for lunch with Scottish Jim (the bassist). Here he is in front of his recently finished wooden house with his dogs. The second door, just behind Jim, is his music studio.
I like the contre-jour light in this one, and the lens flare. The low winter sunlight is beautifully hard and uncompromising.
Jim and Catherine in their lovely living room.
More later.