The last of last and the first of this

Feb 07, 2010 00:07

The second of three finals for Kid's book from last semester:

The final for our first assignment in Ill II:


We were meant to do a movie poster for one of the now canceled illustration film festival.  I watched two of the films that I hadn't seen before, one of which was the Shawshank Redemption.  Above is my final followed by Thiel's version.

Over the break Thiel asked me to do some drawings in the style of the piece I did about Ben Bernenke and Allen Greenspan, one of them was a baby tiger.  I completed the piece using open acrylics and I am not sure it worked.  I am continuing to paint it and hopefully it will at least be a nice painting someday.

Next up we have the second assignment for Ill II.  I had been working on the tiger test all weekend and on Monday Thiel decided that the final for our second piece was due Wednesday.  That's two days.  I had a thumbnail and reference.  So for a two-day piece it's not so bad.  For a final piece by a Junior Illustrator, it's terrible.  This is for a story by David Sedaris titled "Loggerheads".

Finally we have the drawing for the third Ill II assignment.  The Story is "While the Women Are Sleeping" by Javier Marias.  I have started the drawing.  The thumbnail is not yet approved.  I hope to have the final done by class on Monday.

Love and coffee,
Anka the Art Cat

cats, tiger, acrylic, david sedaris, illustraion ii, turtles, drawing, shawshank redemption, children's book, movie poster

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