Выход из "неудобного" положения =)

Jan 06, 2010 23:59

В жизни , как и в любви, из любого неудобного положения всегда есть
как минимум три входа и выхода )))

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spiced rum, афоризмы, советы

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Я видел это коммерческий на американском телевидении jump_in_007 January 7 2010, 06:30:21 UTC
Вы хотите сказать, что у вас есть "Маленький Капитан" в вас? :)))
....., Или, вы говорите, что вам легко быть обманутым? : (((
Я (never) всегда нравилась эта коммерческая потому что я не хотел быть обманутым
~! ~ Рона
ps: OX's


=) anka_kvitka January 7 2010, 15:24:09 UTC
Я действительно наивна, но не считаю это своим плохим качеством, а наоборот...
А реклама очень прикольная...,но не тем, что кого-то обманули, а тем как незнакомые люди, сидящие в баре поддержали парня, который оказался в неудобном положении, которого застали врасплох...)
Я сделала ставку не на морального урода, а на обычных людей, которые готовы помочь в трудную минуту )


Re: =) jump_in_007 January 8 2010, 05:41:50 UTC
I guess that is why I like you from the first time I read your journal. You are a positive person and I like that. "A PERSON ONE CAN TRUST WHICH IS DIFFICULT TO FIND IN THE WORLD FULL OF HATERS AND HURTERS." :(

You are a person I can relate to because you are 'naive' (as I am); however, you hyave friends and Family you can trust. The people I grew up with turned to the darkside and have lied, cheated, stole and even burglarized my home fourteen times. I had to completely stop seeing them and start new friendships. :(

The commercial was very funny because I saw the humor in the people in the bar acting out his fantasy because he didn't want to attend the wedding his friend (or wife or girlfriend)went to. :))))
Still, telling a lie is telling a lie. :(

I drew those drawings I attached. I have drawn quite a few pictures.
Did you like them? :)))) lol

~!~ Ron


=) anka_kvitka January 8 2010, 13:22:08 UTC
A rabbit with hearts in eyes very pleased me! )))
Maybe because I was named Bugs Bunny in childhood, even now my friends name me a reckless squirrel, when reckless merry ideas come to me =)


Re: =) Белка jump_in_007 January 8 2010, 19:59:15 UTC
You were called Bugs Bunny because You smile all the time. :)))
I was called 'cottontail', a type of bunny in USA with a white tail and brown all over. I played in the sun all day and had a very good tan. When I'd take off my pants, I was dark red all over except my bottom which was white like a 'cottontail'. I am of Scottish Descent and I have 1/16th Cherokee Indian Blood from a long tme back when Texas was absent of whites and only Indians.

Thanks for the kind words about my artwork. I have made many copies and given them away to lots of children at church who love to color them and then they draw pictures for me. :)))
~!~ Ron


=) anka_kvitka January 8 2010, 20:50:36 UTC
I know ...you are a good man and do right good things )


Re: =) jump_in_007 January 10 2010, 21:51:50 UTC
I feel you also are a good Woman. You look very good. I hope you had lots of fun at the party.
~!~ Ron
ps: I will comment on the Koketbal post entry as soon as I have researched the movie (by the same name) and more about the City and customs of Koketbal. :))) I don't want to hurt your feelings ever again. I want to be correct when I talk about the "Heavenly Place on Earth" that you want to fall in LOVE at..., again! :)


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