Apr 13, 2004 20:25
the day:
beat the hell outta my chem test!!
(idk what i got)we shall find out soon enough
studied my aldkf;a;adf off
chem test done, 1/2 marathon done (r/j/wthough). 17pg paper...yet to be written. (TONIGHT)!!...kind of b.c. i wanted to talk with him about it in office hrs. i've had a good day..even though earlier i said it stunk... i don't know what i was thinking! the weather turned out better than at 8am ..duh..yaaa
this yr is sooo almost over...wow...it has been full of surprises and i could never have imagined everything that has happened would happen ...like none of it...craziness...if a&m was a person...i would marry it...lalalala....i've made some woa good friends...i was just thinking how awesome all the people hang out with are...all of them..mmhmmm
breakaway was pretty awesome tonight...it was kinda the sameish as normal...but...idk..hard to explain...if you were there you know
AggieSweetie2007: i think boys seriously pms in a boy way
AggieSweetie2007: i dunno but they do
chsballerina: they soo do
AggieSweetie2007: i swear
chsballerina: i thought about that the other day
conclusion:its true..admit
ok this is way retarded...but i was taking practice LSAT junk online yesterday...um i had wayyyy to much fun..i just did it with the intent of procrastinating and figuring out if i could score higher on it or the mcat (not that i would take either, but still). I spent way too much time on it...i suck at the logic section...yeaa..but you should try it sometime...its fun figuring out the reasoning and crit thinking stuff (i'm not lying)
i have too much energy right now...you would probably be a lil annoyed.
oh running today...was really crazy...like...i thought about so much and i seriously felt like i ran for 15 min...but it was longer...like i think i feel the closest to God when i run..(that sounds so 3rd grade and silly but its true)(my ephiphany for the day) and that is my time. i'm glad i picked up on it in hs with dryland swimming junk...i'll admit..thanks to coach white... wow that was a scandal if i ever heard of one!!!!! i can't remember exactly what i thought about but i did have all the worlds problems figured out in that time frame...yea pretty much.
ok i'm really not talking about anything...once again babbling.