(no subject)

Feb 04, 2003 21:00

alrite updating for the pass days

jan 31, fri- had a family dinner, nd i got red envelopes =). mai mommy sez she's gonna take some of them >=(. oh well, me and mai cuzins, nd mai uncle were playing blackjack, with real poker chips...is that wut u call it? =P, nd mai uncle really gave out money. mai sis got 200nt! ahhh..i onli got like 100, oh well...its all good.

feb 1, sat- went to leofoo village, it was alrite BUT it was a rainy day so i didnt get to sit on the water rides. also, mai cuzin went to cali =(, too bad she didnt bring me with her =), but she sed she mite get me shoes =P mai daddy got a new amplifier or w/e nd we were blasting the music, cuz the neighbors werent home =P. he played only hope to wake me up xP, cuz i got up late.

feb 3, mon- me, mai sis, mai cuzin, nd mai aunt and uncle bot kfc and went to this park to watch mai uncle fly his helicopter thing =)

feb 4, tues- had a "liu's" family reunion nd we had to eat lunch at this restaurant, i played with mai cuzins. *qyooteness* they are ADORABLE. mai gosh they kept saying "jieh jieh" pick me up =P
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