1. JET INTERVIEW YAY!!! I've been compulsively refreshing the US Japanese embassy page for days now, and then checked today, and there's this massive PDF up with no names, just numbers. But YAY my number is on it so I GET AN INTERVIEEEEEEW! Granted, there's about 2400 people on the list, but I hear they take about 1500 from the US, so, you know. Not too shabby.
2. I went skiing today! :DDD I got cross-country skis for Christmas 2006, and then 2007 was so freaking busy that I never got a chance to use them. Well that all changed today. I drove up the Santa Fe "Scenic Route", which is about 18 miles of twisty, icy mountain road (WHEEEE!!!) to the Santa Fe Ski Basin. Along the way, there are tonnes and tonnes of campgrounds, which are, of course, closed in the winter, but they make prime cross-country ski trails if you're cool with cutting your own path. I went all the way up to the top of the mountain to investigate, then headed back down, found the one place that is apparently the only groomed XCS trail in SF, and then.....promptly got stuck in the snow. In the parking lot. My poor car. :( I did manage to get out without panicking and calling 911 or something though, which is good, since, you know, 17 miles up the mountain isn't a great place to find help, and then kept going until I found a trail that actually had people on it, and yeah. I'm reeeeeeeeally out of practice, but I'm hoping to get in enough practice this season that it all comes back to me. Oh, wintersports, how I have missed you! *clings*
THE USERNAME MEME C'mon. You know you want to.