1. I am, in fact, alive! Though I think this semester may kill me. My Thursdays are the worst - I work nonstop from 8:30 to 4:45, and then have class from 5 to 9:30, and then the GI social after that, which I have promised myself I'll actually attend this year rather than locking myself away in my flat. Otherwise it's not TOO terrible, but still. Gah. Busy! But I do enjoy being busy, as evidenced by how much I enjoyed the summer - I think that it's just between all the teaching, the good 150-200 pages of reading I have for every day of class, and the attempt to keep myself sane, something's going to have to go, and I'm guessing it's probably the last of the three. *g*
2. THAT SAID, insanity is not all a bad thing! I am now thoroughly hooked on Tenimyu, thanks to
marksykins' prodding and
giving_ground's glowing reviews. I watched the first myu and DL1 with Marks and Linz this weekend, and then kidnapped Indy and made her watch them too, and then yesterday we watched BukiMyu, which thus far is my favourite. (And not just because I'm completely in love with Yuu Shirota.)
3. Also insane - BLEACH. I blame Marksy for this too, but Nim and I are the ones who've been watching together, and we're both completely hooked. God, SO GOOD. Also, Ichigo and Ishida are SO FUCKING MARRIED. I didn't think it was possible for a pair to be more married than Golden Pair, but somehow those two manage it juuuust fine. We're only through about ep 25, but we're both champion marathoners, so I'm sure it won't take us too long to get through the series.
4. Also on my plate is Fullmetal Alchemist, which I've been watching alone. I'm (unsurprisingly) in love with Scar, though I find most of the other characters don't have many redeeming qualities, at least not yet. I'm holding out hope that the last 20 eps will change my mind.
5. I spent my free half-hour today between work and class psychoanalysing Tezuka. That was fun. It had to be done, since I find the problem with writing long fics over long periods of time is that I lose the thread, not of the plot but of the mental state of the character, so I have to get it all sorted out in my head before I try attacking that TezuFuji fic again.
I was going to try to write ten things, but I'm too braindead to even THINK of that many things. Sheesh. Although I do have a question for y'all that I've been wondering about for awhile. And since I know people are lazy, I give you tickyboxes!
Poll Annnnd my brain has fried. I leave you with this - ZOMGYAY
the_leaky and
outside_leaky ARE BACK!!!! *grabs
unrulyhair amd
dragonbreath and smushes them to her very unscary bosom*