The year is 1975, and things are groovy. Long hair is in. Trousers are tighter (and voices are higher). Voldie and the Death Eaters are making headlines. Back at Hogwarts, it's all about the guitars, the glitter, and the gillyweed.
biscuitarsed is a Marauders era RP on the best kind of crack, filled with witty banter, wild adventures, experimentation gone horribly wrong, and tail-chasing of every sort. If you fancy sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll, or maybe just want to catch another glimpse of Snape's pants,
click here.
Yay cracky RPG! It's going to be loads of fun - I'm over there modding and playing Remus (I wonder if I can recreate the bulk of my Lusty Alphabet of May? >.>), and my co-mods are
spifftastic, who is playing Sirius, and
charlotteschaos, who is playing James. It's going to be low-key, low-stress, and a lot of fun, so come and check it out, and fill out an application! I'd love to play with you. Conversely, I'm sure it'll be loads of fun to watch. :D