[drive-by (fly-by?) update]

Aug 29, 2006 10:05

I am in the Albuquerque Sunport, sitting in a restaurant, on the free wireless, awaiting my plate of buttermilk pancakes. Life is good. (Though I have to admit, it's kinda sad when I actually enjoy the airport more than my accommodations.) I'm flying to DFW and then to Toronto (and sleeping on the planes OMG), where I shall cry as my stuff is packed up and loaded into a truck, not to be seen again for...oh, at least a week, probably two. Which means hello, air mattress, here I come! Hahahah. Oh well. At least my property has a clubhouse where I can hang out.

I know I owe a lot of comments, and I am very sorry. I will try to get as many of them done as I can before I hit the planes. I hope you all are doing well! ♥

nimori, I still have a place on your floor, right? *wibbles*

ETA: I forgot to mention, I forgot how friendly people in the South are. Apparently that extends to the Southwest as well, with the added bonus of people being genuinely friendly rather than that fake Dallas-ite thing that I got used to where they don't actually give a shit. Canadians are super-friendly too, but it's a totally different type of friendly -- if you are familiar with Eddie Izzard, it's closer to the '...oh...oh I...oh.' 'What is it, Sebastien?' type of friendly than the super-warm Southern idea that everyone needs hugs. Though hugs from strangers...not so much. Fortunately that's not been a problem. Yet.

me:travel, me:move

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