A Very Long Misadventure, H/D, my
merry_smutmas gift fic, by Unknown (and brilliant!) Author
Ohhhhhh this person knows me all too well. This fic is LOVELY, awkward hate-to-like-to-maybe-possibly-more H/D with time travel, magical theory, Roman soldiers, and ohhhh the sex. And it's LONG, my god -- I'd guess 25-30K words if I had to make an actual numerical guess. And it has my absolute favourite thing in fic, which is that it doesn't lay everything out for you -- it leaves a lot to the imagination. So YAY. Go R&R!
Réveillon, Snape/Draco, by Unknown Author
Yay for plotty fics at Smutmas this year! This is a gorgeous piece, full of detail, delicious description, and Death Eaters, and ohhhh the dynamic between Snape and Draco is just absolutely perfect. I also adore this author's Narcissa so very much, and her Death Eaters are gloriously wicked, and there are a couple scenes with Thestrals that just take my breath away. This one's also beautifully long. And I have a pretty good idea who wrote it.
A Map of the Human Heart, Snape/Draco and past Snape/Regulus, by Unknown Author
This is a chilling piece that had me cringing at parts and gasping at others. I love how this author embraces the darkness rather than shying away from it -- it lends a realism to it that is both refreshing and really involving. The premise is so very interesting as well, and very well executed. My heart breaks for Draco in this, and Snape a bit as well. Very different from the last Snaco I recced, but equally worth the read.
Denial of Little Things, Harry/Remus, by Unknown Author
Speaking of glorious long plotty fics, this one is just absolutely wonderful. Again, a really fascinating premise, and one that makes a lot of sense, and Remus is just...the author really gets inside his head so well I think, and he's characterised beautifully and reads very canon to me. Harry also is just brilliant, caught in that place between boy and man, more the latter than the former though we still catch glimpses of the child inside there. The pacing is perfect, the dialogue is lovely, and the sex is delicious.
A Bit Of Someone, Remus/Lily, by Unknown Author
I've really started to get into Marauderfic as of late, and this is a deliciously written and so very plausible Remus/Lily with gorgeous description and some really scorchingly hot sex. Remus' thought patterns are so very...well, Remus, and reading them you can really feel for him, what he's going through, and there's a lot of ambiguity as far as Lily is concerned, and the ending is very very open. It fits very neatly into canon, which I adore, and it just makes so much sense.
yuletide recs coming soon. :)