So, I've gacked this from half my flist -- y'all know who you are -- and I think it looks like a GREAT idea. :) So here goes.
Stories I wrote (and posted): Not counting drabbles, I've written a grand total of 66 fics this year...thus far. *g* There's still ten days left in the year, after all. In that group, I include three novel-length fics, only one of which is complete, leaving two WIPs; the Lusty Alphabet of May, which was twenty-six standalone fics (counted as 26); one arc - three fics; two collaborations (a standalone with
srichard, and one of my novel-length WIPs with
arborwin); eleven fics written for challenges or fests (including
merry_smutmas), and a number of gift fics for people. This is NOT counting the couple hundred thousand words I've written for
the_leaky at this point -- and that is not an exaggeration. :D
My favorite: I think I would have to say
Breakfast in Bed, mostly because of the amount of feeling I put into it, and how much fun I had writing it, and the fact that it made
marksykins happy, which was the point of it anyhow.
My best: I'm cheating here, but I'd have to say my
merry_smutmas story. Once the reveal is done, y'all can decide whether you agree with me or not.
Story most underappreciated by the universe: Definitely
A Little Prince. I think it turned out extremely well -- I wrote it for
hp_classic, and was very pleased with it. But it was long, and posted chapter by chapter, and gen *gasp!*, so it didn't get a whole lot of attention. But those of you who did read it have my love forever. :D
Most fun story: *giggles*
The Golden Boy, which was my HP/The Matrix crossover for
hp_videostore. I had GREAT fun writing it, as I love pastiches, and look forward to picking it up again -- it's totally a WIP, but the first part stands perfectly well on its own. I just want to write the whole trilogy before I stop. :D
Sexiest story: Hmm. I won't say Smutmas again, because that would be silly, so I have to go with...
After Hours. Mmmm, voyeurism times two. Invisibility cloaks. Claiming. Asserting dominance. Yessss. *licks it*
Story with the single sexiest moment:
Green Eyes. Choosing which to put where between the last one and this one was tough, but I think this one, with Harry fucking Draco into the wall and biting his Yes yes. *nods* God, I have such a kink for possessive!jealous!claming!Harry!!!
Hardest story to write:
The Madness Within, because it's so outside my realm of comfort. So dark, and so painful, and it was really tough for me to keep going when all I wanted to do was pull Remus out of that hellhole and make him safe, and it was even harder for me to keep it dark all the way through. But I'm very proud of it now that it's done, and I think it turned out quite well. Apparently, you guys did too. :D
Most unintentionally telling story: Oddly, I think
Afters, because it was very much in my artistic, introspective sort of style, included a lot of the things that *I* find really hot, and was entirely sensual in nature, which is, really, how I think, much more than in narrative or dialogue or even plot. That's another one of the underrated ones, which, I suppose, tells me something about myself. ;)
And a category of my own...
Pairings tackled: My fics include ten Severus/Draco (including one of the WIPs), four Harry/Draco (including the other WIP), two Severus/Harry pieces, two Severus/Lucius, one Ron/Zach, one Bill/Percy, one Harry/Neville, one Harry/Percy, one Voldemort/Bellatrix, one Lavender/Parvati, two Lucius/Draco, and thirty-six Remus fics in which Remus was paired with Sirius four times, Harry four times, Tonks twice, Lucius twice, Fred and George twice, and any number of other people, including himself twice. I also wrote four genfics.
Now. Time to go up those numbers. *scurries back to her writing*
ETA: This doesn't include my sadly neglected NaNo fic, which is still a WIP after a year, and is on the menu to be continued in illustrious 2005, although HBP being released in July will, of course, make it an AU. :D