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Some friends and I watched rain's Ninja Assassin yesterday since we only had two classes that day. At first, I did not really like to see the movie. I'm not a fan of Rain. (the only time I liked him was in Full House) But in the end, I succumbed to my friends' persuasions.
I'm not gonna go into detail about which part I liked and didn't like about the movie. Just that it felt like Rain had very little dialogue, being a ninja suits him, he had awesome moves. :Db
I'm sad about how a lot of people say that it's just a waste of money and all. It's not the best movie I've seen but it's not the worst also. And I'm not a movie critique, I'm just saying these stuff from a normal movie fan's point of view okay? :]
Overall, I liked it. It made me appreciate Rain's effort in this movie. (I heard he did his own stunts :O)