An Avatar's Journal (part 41): A Pirate's Life for Me!

Feb 11, 2008 22:12

My goodness! It's been a very long time since I've posted anything related to my adventures in Second Life. This entry is something that's been backlogged since November of last year, and I must apologize for my tardiness in getting it posted. There's some good memories in the following photos ... and I'm sure everyone will remember fondly the pirate ship that Magic and ruby had ... for such a short time. *sniffles* So without further ado ...

Arr, Me Hearties! What a beauty of a pirate ship. Magic and ruby are both proud (as are Cashlin and Amandur). And look! Magic has even pilfered the rubies from the Long Gone Magic Ruby to make ruby feel right at home.

K, ruby. Get into position. I wanna take a picture.

ruby: "Do I have to?"

Magic: "Yes, you have to. You look too good in that dress not to show off."

Magic's right, ruby. So ... suck it up!

Now .. if only a gust of wind would ... *hides from a glaring Cash* Hehe!

It was a gorgeous ship ... with a gorgeous view. Too bad we had time for only one party before the ship was removed. :O(

I apologize in advance for how dark the following images are ... it WAS night out y'know ... and I like taking night shots. :Op~

Pirate party people!

The reason for this shot was to show how first ruby and Amandur ditched us for a more private setting ... followed by Magic and Cash. Heh-heh-heh ... and later on Magic and Cash disappeared elsewhere. *GRIN* HEHE!!

EDIT: I've been informed that it was not, in fact, ruby and Amandur ... but MAGIC and Amandur. *grin* MY BAD! :O> Dang ... if it had been ruby and Amandur ... that would be almost like INCEST!! -__-;;

Don't worry ... you'll see a better shot of Pirate Hedgehog Mythiepoo later on. And contrary to popular belief, it is NOT easy walking around with a peg-leg.

Now let's see ... it's been so long since this party ... I'm probably not going to remember who everyone is. I think this is ... Jenn. I recall admiring her boots. :O))

I think this is Shod ... I won't say any more than that.

A shot of my girls! A very good shot if I do say so myself. Don't ask me who they are ... I can't tell from this angle. :O}

I think this might be suzie ... but I'm not sure.

Would that I could go back to that moment so I could remember who is who! *GRR* I know who I am ... I just can't recall who the foxy lady pirate next to me is. ;O}

Gratuitous ME shot. ;O> I always knew I made a good pirate. That's George on my shoulder (my parrot). ;O)

We partied until DAWN! Those are the kind of parties that the Backyard Babes through. :O)

And as promised ...

... a close-up shot of Pirate Hedgehog Mythiepoo. :O) Yup. A pirate's life is DEFINITELY for me!

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