An Avatar's Journal (part 39): Good vs. Evil

Nov 20, 2007 20:39

Tonight at The Magic Ruby the party is TWO-FOLD. First of all, it's Good versus Evil night. We were allowed to come out in our most evil ... or good (HA!) attire. At the same time, it was a birthday celebration for one of our own ...

RUBY!!!! Happy birthday, chica!

Yes, you read right. It's ruby's birthday! And our little angelic lady celebrated in style (with her cute blue party hat ... *snickers* ...) with her hubby (and dark, mysterious, creepy-lookin', sexy assassin) by her side (as always).

Of course, they're both as sexy as hell ... no matter how they look. :O)

Second Life STRIKES AGAIN!! Due to I don't know what ... Amandur in the background there, looking hot with BLACK hair for a change, is all "ruthed" (meaning, he's all short 'n' stuff).

Aside from wiggy Second Life glitches, the party was in full swing as everyone wanted to be there to help celebrate good, evil ... and all things ruby. :O>

Even Darth Vader showed up (that's Q to you guys).

The luscious Jenn showing off her Cupid skills with her bow and arrow of "LURVE". It was hard getting a shot of her, cuz she kept moving!

Do you dip? ;O) ruby and Cash doing what they do best ... :O)))

'nother token group shot. I'm trying to recall who that is in the white dress. Normally I would say it was Jenn (as she likes that sort of thing), but nope. Jenn is Cupid! So ... maybe Yemaya? EDIT: I have JUST been informed that the lady in the white dress is SUZIE!! As Glinda the Good witch. :O> Hehe!

Here I am ... Devilish Angel that I am ... dancing next to Darth Vader and his daughter Leia. I dunno about you, but I find watching them ... kinda disturbing. *LOL* (This is Kimberly and Q dancing together).

At my mentioning how wrong incest is ... they parted. :O>

They way-cool demon in the shot is Magic. Unfortunately, the beastie was causing her to lag/crash, so she eventually changed. There's the "ruthed" Amandur once again.

GACK!! The sneaked back together! At least this you could write off as a "daddy's little girl" moment. The other dance ... it was just WRONG! Let's follow them around the room, shall we?

Ah. The lovely Benachi looking angelic (totally against her TRUE nature). She won the contest with this outfit. :O))

Me, "ruthed" Amandur and Magic the demon.

I'm trying to determine if he's all better in this shot or not. It's hard to tell sometimes. :O))

Ah ... here I am trying to get a frontal shot of Jenn (but she kept moving)! Let's see what shots of her I DID manage to snap.

ACK!!! NO!! NO!! Keep your friggen love arrows AWAY from me!!

Ah. Welcome back Magic. :O)) See? Told you she would change eventually. The demon was too much for her. Only us professional (read: ME) can handle a beast of that magnitude. ;O)) The woman with the red hair is actually Ginger. That's Magic in black. :O))

This is ... umm ... err ... Toni/Tara ... *snickers* *blushes* ... standing next to a "still ruthed" Amandur. EDIT: I've just been informed that the demon in black is not Toni/Tara, but Magic. :O)) Hehe. So I wonder who that chick with the red hair is. :O)

Shake it, Myth!!

Myth went demonic on me this evening. :O)) I'm so proud! And, yes. I'm dancing with Darth Vader. HEHE!

Leia (Kimberly) decided to give us a show.

And she even donned a party hat in celebration of ruby's birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RUBY (and yes, Magic jumped out of the cake)!!!!

an avatar's journal, second life

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