From the inbox today...
Time running out is running out to save DLA and AA from being axed.
A government green paper has revealed plans to stop paying disability benefits and hand the cash over to social services instead.
The Shaping the Future of Care Green Paper published by the DWP and the Department of Health on 14th July sets out government plans to get rid of attendance allowance and, depending on public reaction, also leaves the way clear to end the care component of DLA.
The consultation period for the green paper ends on 13 November. If there has been no significant outcry against the plans by then, it seems very likely that whichever party is in power after the next election will seize this opportunity to cut public spending by over a billion pounds a year.
Unfortunately, so far, that outcry has been very muted indeed, with only a few agencies - including RNIB and Age Concern and Help the Aged - speaking out. Shamefully, at least one major disability organisation, Disability Alliance, immediately announced its support for the green paper’s proposals.
This is in spite of the fact that a report in November 2008 by the Institute for Social and Economic Research warned that taking DLA and AA from claimants and making it part of a ‘personal budget’ administered by social services will leave millions of disabled people worse off and with less independence.
Continues at
Benefits and Work.
Threat to DLA FAQs.
Given my experience with social services, I think this is an absolutely terrible idea. Considering I've been waiting an age to get as much as a needs evaluation from them with regards to the accessibility of the HA property I currently live in, I dread to think what it'd be like if the care component of my DLA was handed over to them and they were put in charge of my 'care'. *shakes head*
I'm really not going to get onto a moan about the disabled and elderly always being the ones they go for when it comes to making cuts. I just implore all people in the UK to sign the protest and pass it on to as many people as possible, not just for the most vulnerable in society, but for your own future. You never know when you will be in need of these benefits.