
Feb 11, 2008 12:55

Urgh, I'm really tired today. REALLY tired. MSN is a bad thing. Talking to someone you get on really well with on MSN is even worse. 3.30am is NOT a good time to be trying to type, laid in bed, with your LEFT hand. No sir-ree. But making up emense Zombie battle plans at 3.30am, in bed, with your left hand, does kind of make up for the tiredness today. :-) I liketh Zombie talk.
And talking the zombie talk with cute ginger boys (eeep! I LOVE GINGERS!) is the coolest. (Not *certain* type boys, but it's all good).

Hehehe. Another fabulous weekend. Pissed as a fucking fart on Saturday thanks to the kind folk in Revs, as well as Caz, Lei, Lorna, Vicki, Shockers, Porn-o-graphic, the scary south african dude, erm..... and those other people that were there. You guys rock my world and I LOVE YOU ALL. Sunday = pyjama day (again) and mammoth 12 hour MSN runs, as well as mail-order pizza which i'm sure did my diet no good, but it tasted yummers, and anyway, I can now pull my work trousers down without un-doing the buttons! So there!

Ok. back to the red bull and the shop to serve the customers that I tought I could skive from today, but stupid work people always phone in sick when I feel like hiding so now I have to actually sell phones. LAME.

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