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i did something stupid 2 weeks ago, and basically un-gemmed myself so i can have more stamina for the najentus fight. Then my freshly minted 70 kinda trounced my main’s +heals, so i went ahead and re-gemmed her properly…. basically getting my common sense back. Don’t ask why, i was having a self-conscious week.Regemming, after self-buffs and buffs from pally, i got:
it’s still a work in progress, and i definitely should have spent the badges on something else - but whatever….
I am pretty happy where i am at the moment though. Sans immense raiding, i would say i have done a pretty good job “casual-crafting” on my main. i still remembered being told somewhere at 69, that >2000 healing was near impossible to get. On the ally side, i have seen so many >2000 healing healers with less raid experience than me that i have been somewhat ashamed of BE-Ani. So to see her over 2000 heals.. *tear*
Got my flying mount on DR-Ani!!!
With all that said and done though, i will admit that running an alt motivated me to pug again - simply because i have to. my hours for availability and all just clash too much with everything else. plus, my ally guild contain this douche bag (or my INSPIRATION if you want to put it nicely) who insisted i only got guilded on my main because i was a chick.
On to the main topic though: Pugs.
Oh the so hated word. They suck, 70% of the time. The number of times i have wiped on trash mobs before I’ve even seen the second boss is COUNTLESS. and i am not even talking about raids. So, here’s my pet peeves with regards to pugs, especially encountered over the last 2 weeks:
- Dissing others’ gears - just because you have enough badges to buy out the vendor to cover your gear, doesn’t mean that everyone else is a scrub. as a tank, seriously, you can’t even keep aggro. you don’t understand why you shouldn’t be typing epic essays while building up threat. You don’t know how to watch healer’s mana, or that fear ward has a 3 minute
So in reality, your gear doesn’t quite suit your IQ and EQ levels. Keep yourself in the closet, get some REAL gears and stfu because i sure as hell don’t like to read your condescending yet stupid commands like “FEAR WARD ME!!!” 1.5 minutes after i have already cast it on you.
and seriously? that’s also the first time i’ve heard that no one needs salvation.
- incessant, unnecessary banter - Beyond condescending remarks to everyone else in the party though, i just hate too much un-necessary typing. it’s good to socialize, don’t get me wrong - but do you have to…
, victor, did you know…”
“U.U so my girlfriend won’t have sex with me, what should i do?”
, just…wow. /wrist ok? 1 hour worth of it? seriously, use vent. use the phone - STOP TYPING DUMB SAKDJASDAKJDHSA…as,dsad.
- Lack of courtesy - Please, ffs, tell people when you intend to mine something in the instance. that’s what /roll is for, so it’s a fair go for anyone who wants something, and this include mines. Don’t simply assume that just coz there’s an OMGWTFBBQ-MINE!!! it’s all yours. ask, roll and then go for it.
oh, and don’t start the “a woman’s place is in the kitchen” conversation. The winner of that argument will always be me, especially since i WILL stop healing and leave right there and then. don’t. start.
- Ditching your group, then QQ-ing that they are continuing without you - If you’re the one who started a group, don’t be the first to leave because something didn’t go right. everyone’s saved to the raid/instance once you have done the first boss. Worse thing is QQ-ing that we’re continuing after you left - YOU LEFT! YOU LEFT US! you really have no right to QQ to anyone in the party, emotionally threatening your GF so she would stop playing…
the fact is, kiddo, with my 1.6k +heals, i still pwned your 2.2k +heals, and managed to keep tank up for dragonhawk. something wrong there? i think so.
- Lack of awareness - There’s some birds there. There’s some ROCKS dropping on your head. lasjdlkajs MOVE IT!!!!!! i can heal you, oh sure. But, in healing you for something as easily cured as you moving yourself, i have wasted that amount of mana + time that i could have used better saving someone else.
And, please DON’T aggro Gruul while we are trying to med. i mean, when we are medding, it means we are not ready. WTF ARE YOU INFRONT OF GRUUL!??! This also apply to tanks, please, wait for me to med up so i actually have some mana to heal you. i mean, if i am sitting down, if it’s the last boss, it means i need to med, not because i am a lazy pixel - or that i enjoy watching my priest sit and do nothing.
- Inability to gauge your REAL abilities - hey, i love to 10/20/30 pull too. In Lineage 2, i do big pull runs all the time. But unlike l2, i can’t heal at the speed of lightning. the “flash heal” ain’t all that flashy and mana efficient. So, while i appreciate your enthusiasm, mage/lock/tank, since you’ve already wiped once on that particular pull, can you stop doing that 5 times in a row? it’s been proven by the 3rd time that you suck already.
- Short notice? - Ok, so we all know that in heroics and raids, once you’ve killed the first boss, anyone that steps in gets auto-saved. if you’re going to leave, at least SAY SOMETHING before someone new got invited AND summoned inside the instance. Don’t do it AFTER!!!!
phew, long list of rant, sorry.
All that said and done though, i would say i am not perfect myself. I do strive and works towards being the best i could. Ashamed of it as i was, i would say i was feeling somewhat happy i ditched a douchebag Protardin last night for being obnoxious to others, and trying to teach me how to play my class even though he can’t tell one
down from another - mid him trying to fight a mob.
Add that to a failed Gruul’s pug today, i just felt a need to get it out of my system.
Sense of achievement today? : Healing a group through Dragonhawk@ZA today with my freshly minted +1600 heals Draenei priest. For all the +2200 heals healadin insist that i got accepted into guilds only because of my gender, i felt incredibly satisfied to prove i have got skills today - to myself if nothing else. :D