So that's what it is..

Mar 24, 2009 07:08

Finally figured out what the whirring, almost gentle roaring sound in the mornings is. I always thought it was someone showering upstairs, and that's close, because its the gas going for the central heating I reckon. Sounds like muffled plane taking off. Not loud, but always makes me think I should get up cos others are up already. Found out this morning that is not true. I had my breakfast and made my lunch without meeting or hearing a single human stirring. Even the dog continued sleeping.

Today I am being picked up by my two supervisors early at 745 down the hill to attend the closing blessing ceremony of one of the residential services that is moving to a spanking new purpose built house. I've attended a ward blessing before so I think there'll be no surprises. Then my supervisor, post-midway (which went ok - neither fabulous nor dire), has arranged for me to have more client contact time this week, which I'm happy and excited about. Since this is the start of the return trip (past the halfway mark) I should up the ante and pick up my pace and really get stuck in and make the most of my time, instead of cruising through another two weeks I reckon. Plus I need to find a client to go through the entire OT process with, just to show my competence for my final assessment. They aren't worried so that's a good sign. And already my week is filling up. There'll be one initial interview and two AMPS assessments today planned, if the clients do show up for the appointments.

Tomorrow, walking group in the morning. Thursday possibly two appointments with A from mobile services. Monday, ring the new OT from respite and arrange to come over. At some stage I also have to get hold of the social worker and arrange to come shadow him. All that, and do my project, write up a summary of the Mental Health Act, attend a human rights workshop for mental health users, find out about various things, talk to various people etc etc. Busy! But as my classmate and I were saying yesterday this placement is going better for both of us this time, she's not stressed and I'm not bored. Sweet!

Definitely not bored. So much to do, so little time. I've got my exam prep to do too. Argh! *breathe* must maintain this current good level of stress. Ohm.


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