c'mon, c'mon, an!

Nov 11, 2008 23:23

i'm bored. i'm uninspired. all my subjects this semester were specially designed to lead us to one conclusion or piece of learning - that everyone is different and hence do different things. tada! there. i learnt that in like the second week. but it's been reinforced and reinforced and reinforced and the long and the short of it is that all 5 assessments have rolled into a major gigantic one proclaiming "Everyone is different! Don't enforce your views on others! People make meaning in different ways! Yours is not the only, or best!"

I got it already. That's why I'm so sick of these assignments. At the start of the semester I sensed something was different to first semester. There. Was. A. Theme!

I'm sure there'll be more of a theme next year, speaking of which the list for my next placement (April-ish?) is up! Gotta submit choices by next Fri. The LAST DAY of school. Yay.

Just like in secondary school (and JC, and Uni) days, the period just before everything ends is chocka with great ideas of what else I could be, or would like to be doing.

But I have to soldier on. Have. To. Soldier. On. Counting down the days til the 21st. Tra la la.

Anyone want to give me a pep talk? *twiddle thumbs*

school, thoughts

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