yay, I'm sweating!

Jan 12, 2008 17:13

in these parts, that's something to be proud of. Today is warm and balmy. When the weather is warm, you can suddenly see a visible difference in the plants. Like yesterday they were young and weak looking and today they look as if they've taken on a week's growth. :) Everyone is out and about too, hammering, drilling, BBQing, and we were out too.

We sat out in the far bit of our garden today on mats and picnicked on freshly baked cheese biscuits (Lik made the dough, we rolled and stamped out heart shapes together) and beer. Browsing through magazines and books. I was reading about salad gardening, got curious about what type of shallots we have growing and went to look. That led to looking at all the plant labels and that got me started on pottering around the veggie plot; I often and regularly get distracted by the garden (veggie plot, roses out front, any plant out back) just by simply being in the vicinity. It's like they call out to me.

Blah blah blah why I'm blogging is when I was weeding the strawberry patch I noticed from the corner of my eye a wee dead stem that hopped here and there once in awhile. That does happen, like when part of it's snagged in a cobweb. But no! It was a wee stick insect, trying to be inconspicuous. SOOO cute.

Then I tried to move the netting to do the other side and OMG! There was a huge ass one! Clinging desperately to the netting. Man I was amazed cos I didn't think the first one was a baby, which it must've been seeing the size of this second one. That, or the second one is a super sumo wrestler specimen grown large (but not fat, aren't they glamourous?) on my lovely strawberry leaves.

Such a blast to the past. I remember primary school science, learning about things that didn't exist for me, like stick insects, woodlice, backswimmers and pondskaters.

Now, I wish I'd paid some attention.

Update on my injuries. Thanks for all the well wishes. The cuts and grazes are itchy scabs now, like super itchy. This means healing, which is good, but I'm better with pain, not that I'm complaining. The bruises have started to come out in full glory. They'd been simply sore and tender before, now a week later they are bright purple, black, pink and yellow. Multicoloured pain. The one on my shin which had everyone worried I had a broken bone, is starting to show. It's looking to be about at least 10 cm long. AH! I truly look abused.

The jaw is still stiff and hurts. Don't like the sound it makes when I open my mouth either. Might have to get that checked.

okay back to the picnic mat! Shall try not to be distracted by plants wanting my attention as I walk back over.

health, garden

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