Learning To Enjoy The Moment

Jan 11, 2017 20:34

Sometimes we are interested in something and learn more about it... not for the sake of prestige, career, or to boast of how much we know..
- BUT "just" to fully ENJOY THE MOMENT.
To savour it...
Or because we want to try on... different "clothes", different images. Like actors do.

In both cases we ENJOY THE MOMENT and OURSELVES.

Thus we can be interested in
- discovering new tastes (and we cook for it),
- in essential oils to create different frangrances,
- in colours - to combine them and create a set of clothes that reflects (or changes) our mood, or to make a new inspiring room interior where we could feel like... living at the seaside, for example.

Same with painting, taking photos.
Same with music. Especially, folk music, folk dances.
With travelling.

And same can be with... LEARNING A NEW LANGUAGE.

For me, it is so. Every new language is like travelling. And like putting on a new folk costume. And becoming someone else, remaining myself. And thus, knowing more about other people, their traditions, cuisine, costumes, songs, language... I know more about myself. My world becomes bigger. And fuller of wonders.
I LOVE this.

Your Foreign Languages Consultant,
Russian Language Teacher,
Anna Barskaya

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russianlanguage, traditions, languages, howtoenjoythemoment, inspiration, motivation, enjoyingthemoment, foreignlanguages

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