"Building blocks" to speak Russian

Jul 09, 2016 14:48

How many patterns do you need to speak Russian ?

1. Basically there are 4-5 of them. 4 main patterns to learn.

- This is your base. Your foundation. Your “building blocks”.

Make as many levels in your “house” as you wish. And start filling it with as much stuff (=new words) as you wish.
(300-400 words will be enough for a start - to talk at the level of "everyday non-official conversation").

But you already can live in it - can speak and be understood.

!! The number of your Russian words will grow - the number of these patterns REMAINS the same !!

2. These 4-5 "building blocks" are perfectly known by linguists. There are more than 4-5 of them, of course (you have seen them as “paragraphs/chapters” at the end of a text-book or an exercise-book). Linguists know them all, and in tiny details.

But you're not a linguist, and you don't need "ALL"... to speak. You are *busy, and each one of you has a *specific purpose to learn Russian.

So you need this info to be SELECTED for you!

To be continued :)

Your Foreign Languages Consultant,
Russian Language Whisperer,
Anna Barskaya

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building blocks to learn russian, learning russian, anna barskaya, building blocks, patterns to learn russian, russian language whisperer

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