....was not that big of a deal *shot!!*
I'm actually doing rather well so, yay! But no cares so moving on~
Today we went on a field trip to the science center for Biology to see the
Body Worlds exhibition there. It was actually really interesting and a little gross at the same time because it was real body parts.
But you got to
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Nice to hear you're doing well on your mid-terms~ :D Unlike me sobsobsob
Oh! I'd like to see your christmas layout! Also looking forward to your Russia pic and the painting!! XD
A-And where's the Fran/Bluebell pic DDDDD: *SHOT*
D-don't be so nervous! Just relax, and do your best! I'm sure you can do it! =3
Aww, don't worry, I'm sure that you'll better next time ^^
Thank you I'll do my best! But I'm not sure if the painting will turn out how I want it though... But I'll try!
and don't worry! I didn't forget! GREEN POWER~!!
O-ok *takes deep breathes* I'll do my best! Thank you!
Aah, thanks... I hope I'll do better on th 1st semester exam next week DX
Good luck again, then! :D What is the object you're going to draw?? Just curious XD
GREEN POWER!! We should join a green-maniac community sometime... LOL
Thank you. It's kind of like a tie in to Rememberance day so it's a war scene with a tank in it D:
Do green-maniac communities even exist? LOL
W-what?! There's no Green-maniac comm?? We should make one someday rofl XD
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